Apr 7, 2012

*145* Charlie Fawn - Blue Skies / Dream World

'Blue Skies' is a well known number from the Shake Some Action (Vol.8) compilations series. In my opinion Charlie Fawn's greatest song ! (Discogs says) 'Blue Skies' was also released as a B-Side on the 'One In Three' single.

A-Side : 'Blue Skies'
B-Side : 'Dream World'

If you are interested in some other Charlie Fawn tunes then take a look at these Youtube uploads : 'Step By Step' and 'Hothead Handshake Tremble'. Both songs appeared on the Charlie Fawn self titled album in 1979. (Maybe this is to much Pop for you ;) but I like it !)

1 comment:

  1. Hello!
    Check out new website:
    Previously unreleased tracks.
